A published study has shown that increasing levels of vitamin E either via diet or supplements could reduce the risk of liver cancer quie significantly. Researchers found a “clear, inverse dose-response relation between vitamin E intake and liver cancer risk” using data from a large number of participants (over 130,000 male and female individuals).
Magnesium May Help Reduce Colorectal Cancer in Overweight People
Meta-analysis undertaken into the beneficial effects of magnesium in overweight individuals over the age of 55 has shown that for every 100 milligramme increase in intake, the risk of colorectal cancer decreased by 12% and that of adenoma by 13%.
Supplements with Resveratrol May Help to Maintain Mobility
Scientists will be taking a closer look at the positive effects of resveratrol in assiting with age related mobility issues. At the moment, their research has been undertaken in animal trials only, but has shown that feeding mice a diet that contained resveratrol, older mice were able to reverse their mobility and balance issues and were functioning on a par with the younger mice.
Dried Apples May Help Reduce Heart Disease Risk
Results from a 1 year trial have shown that dried apples may lower the risk of post-menopausal women developing cardiovascular disease. Bad cholesterol levels were reduced by almost 25% and effects were particularly significant with dried apples
Green Tea
Green Tea extracts may lead to improvements in blood sugar levels, blood presure and inflammation. The clicnical trial was undertaken on obese hypertensive participants for 3 months. Benefits in LDL and HDL cholesterol levels were also observed.
Effect of Progesteroone on Bone in Postmenopausal Women
Women were recruited to participate in a trial of progesterone to see if it helped with bone health post-menopause. The results showed that only 1 bone marker increased; the scientists also noted a decreased in HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol). They concluded that progesterone did not have a beneficial effect on bone or cardiovascular risk factors in post menopausal women.
Omega 3s
The European Food Standards Agency has confirmed that there are no safety concerns from taking up to 5g of omega 3 forms in the daily diet for short term periods. The current upper limits range from 1-1.5g. There are no data to support the use of long term use of these higher levels,
Resveratrol Could assist with Blood Sugar Control
A study using resveratrol supplements for 3 months demonstrates an improved glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes. Systolic blood pressure was also significantly reduced in the group taking the resveratrol supplements.
Vitamin D3 Benefits
Daily supplements of Vitamin D3 may improve certain heart health and help to reduce body fat mass in overweight and obese people. The study assessed women for a 12 week period and benefits were noted by those given a daily intake of 25 microgram supplement compared to the placebo.
Magnesium Offers Clinically Significant Reduction in Blood Pressure
Dietary soures of magnesium include green leafy vegetables, nuts and grain, however, surveys often reveal that we do not eat sufficient quantities fo this mineral in our diet (RDA is 320mg for women and 420mg for men respectively).
Data from trials demonstrated a 3 to 4 mmHg reduction in systolic blood pressure (when the heart contracts) and a 2-3mmHg reduction in diastolic blood pressure (when the heart fills up with blood again). Data from other trials have shown that a reduction in systolic pressure of between 0.8mmHg and 2mmHg was clinically significant in reducing the incidence of heart disease, heart failure and stroke.